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June 13, 2012
Neighborhood Improvement Advisory Council
Wednesday, June 13, 2012
7 p.m.
120 Washington Street, 3rd Floor

Present: Meghann Ackerman, Brian Gilligan, Linda Haley, Dorothy Hayes, Leslie Limon, Barbara Mann, Jim Moskovis (chair), Lynn Murray, Rosemary O’Connor, Jim Rose

Salem Police K-9 Program: Brian Gilligan explained that the Salem Police Department has not had a K-9 program in 30 years and has to bring in dogs from the state or sheriff when needed. He said the City already spends money to bring dogs in for large events like Halloween and the department recently got a K-9 cruiser and cage at auction.

He explained that police dogs are not only trained to search, but some are trained for weapon, explosive or drug detection. The police department would like to get two dogs – about $26,000 for dogs and training – by the fall. Fourteen officers have already requested to be K-9 officers.

Rosemary O’Connor explained that the Police Department cannot directly solicit funds so members of the Mack Park Neighborhood Association are fundraising. She is working to set up a golf tournament and asked if other neighborhoods would consider having their own fundraisers. Jim Moskovis raised concerns about pushback from residents and not including the program in this year’s budget. Brian Gilligan said the department would not be asking for additional money this year, but it had applied for some grants.

Neighborhood Updates: Leslie Limon shared the news of the rededication of Furlong Park.

The Mack Park Neighborhood Association had hosted a state senate candidate debate.

Barabara Mann said Greater Endicott Street Neighborhood  Association was working to move the grotto from Lifebridge.